Здоровое Питание - профилактика болезней.
Healthy Eating - Disease Prevention
Еда как лекарство.
Food as Medicine. Healthy Food to Eat.
No matter who is the father of your illness, the mother of it is unhealthy food.(Chinese saying)
Кто бы ни был отцом твоей болезни, мать ее - скверная пища ( китайская пословица)
Arthritis Diet
rheumatoid arthritis
Recent discoveries in medicine have confirmed the ability of food to influence inflammation associated with arthritis. According to researchers, diet impacts rheumatoid arthritis in various ways. For example, some food components, such as fat, regulate the activity of hormones (eicosanoids), which reduce inflammation and pain. In other cases, rheumatoid arthritis is caused by a very severe allergic reaction to certain foods. By excluding some food types, one can realize significant improvement, or even cure the disease. If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, you need to determine which specific products are proper and healthy for you.
In the picture you can see the damaged joint with inflamed synovium and cartilage erosion
Foods associated with arthritis - corn, milk, vegetable oils containing omega 6 fatty acids.
Foods that can prevent arthritis - fat fish, fruits, vegetables and ginger.
Arthritis associated with nutrition is different from the classical form of the disease. Some doctors suppose, that allergic arthritis is
another disease, that has nothing to do with the classic arthritis. In one known case, described in the " British Medical Journal", London physician Ronald Williams described how a woman patient, who suffered 25 years from the active form of arthritis and took medication, underwent plasma transplantation, but continued to lose strength. As it turned out, she was allergic to corn, which ironically was one of the components of her medications. Excluding maize from her diet, led to a significant improvement in her health.
A study by Norwegian doctors in 1991, found that iliminating meat from the diet of rheumatoid arthritis patients, ceased disease symptoms in nine of the ten tested patients! This effect was achieved not only by removing meat as an allergen, but also by eliminating animal fat, which contributes to inflammation of the joints. Thus, it is obvious that diet can play major role in the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arhtritis.
Here is a list of products, that according to researchers, can provoke most cases of arthritis:
Corn, Wheat, Bacon/Pork, Oranges, Milk, Oats, Rye, Eggs, Beef, Malt, Cheese, Grapefruit, Tomatoes, Peanuts, Cane sugar, Butter, Lamb, Lemons and Soya .
Here is a list of foods that, according to researchers, provoke arthritis in the majority of patients in% relation: Corn - 56%, Wheat -54%, Bacon / pork -39%, Oranges -39%, Milk -37%, Oats -37%, Rye -34% Eggs -32%, Beef -32%, Malt -27%, Cheese -24%, Grapefruit - 24%, Tomatoes -22%, Peanuts -20%, Sugar (cane) -20%, Butter -17%, Lamb -17%, Lemons -17%, Soy -17%.
Unfortunately, there is no universal diet for the treatment of arthritis. You need to determine for yourself, which products to avoid. Pay attention (from 2 to 48 hours) after consuming any food for symptoms of arthritis. Eliminate suspect foods from your diet and trace the results. Try to limit meat, especially smoked meat. Smoked meats are treated with preservatives and chemicals, that cause allergic reactions associated with arthritis. Also, limit intake of omega-6 fats ( corn oils, sunflower oils, and margarine, which is prepared from these oils).
Include fatty fish - herring, sardines, mackerel, tuna, salmon - in your diet for rheumatoid arthritis - at least 3 times a week. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties! Treatment of arthritis requires higher doses of fish oil than prevention. Prevention of arthritis will be the constant inclusion of oily fish in the diet.
Every day take a little ginger! This is a great spice! Ginger has been used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine for treating rheumatoid arthritis. Doctors in India examined the effect of ginger on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. They found that within 3 months, ginger yielded better results than non steroidal anti-arthritis drugs. The long term use of these drugs can lead to the negative side effects, including stomach ulcers.
Ginger also inhibits the formation of substances (leukotrienes) that cause inflammation! Further, ginger neutralizes acid that causes inflammation in the synovial fluid of joints.
The usual dose for arthritis is 5 grams of fresh ginger or 1/3 teaspoon of grounded ginger 3 times per day. In moderate doses, ginger has no side effects and it is a great component in the arthritis diet.
Spices in the diet for arthritis
Cloves, often used as a spice for pickling vegetables, are an anti - inflammatory agent for rheumatoid arthritis and can be a remedy for toothaches.
Wonderful spice turmeric ! Curcumin, turmerics main component, gives it its yellow color. It is an anti-inflammatory agent, providing results similar to the medicine cortisone. According to the researchers, curcumin reduced inflammation and manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis in humans, lowered cholesterol, and prevented plaque formation in blood vessels. 1200 mg. of curcumin had the same effect as 300 mg. of the anti-inflammatory drug phenylbutazone. Include cloves and turmeric in your healthy diet for arthitis!